Jk-analytics.com is legit or a scam, website info, reviews

Jk-analytics.com reviews. Is legit or a scam, can you trust jk-analytics.com ? Date of last check: 2024-06-05

Encompasses business-related news, economic analyses, company financials, etc.

Jk-analytics.com belongs to Business and Economy category.

Not popular, but an old website Visit website go

Such websites seem dangerous. Do your manual research though.

Low confidence rating. This site appears unsafe to use.

jk-analytics.com Reviews & Scam

Pros and cons about Jk-analytics.com

WHAT WE LIKE IN Jk-analytics.com:

This website is safe according to DNSFilter
The domain name was registered a long time ago
This website is more than 6 months old
This website has a valid SSL certificate and allows for a secure connection.

WHAT WE DON'T LIKE IN Jk-analytics.com:

Security rating appears low : 10
Social media accounts that we could not find on the website.
facebook twitter instagram linkedin youtube

Consumer Complaints and Reviews about Jk-analytics.com

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No reviews have been left for Jk-analytics.com on SafeWebTalk.com

Total reviews: 5 Averate score : 5.0 stars SafeWebTalk Score: 10

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Reviews for Jk-analytics.com

User Profil Photo jonathan
The platform supports the analysis of decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols and platforms.The platform offers sentiment-based trading strategies for crypto markets.
Review Star
User Profil Photo Dobry Nrav
JK Analytics is one of the best platforms for trading online with more than 40000 instruments and free analysis tools that enhance your trading game to the next level! I quickly rose the winning charts with the help of the educational courses this platform has to offer keeping in mind the obstacles for a beginner! I had a manager who guided me well throughout my profit-making journey. It’s 100% recommended!
Review Star
User Profil Photo Zoe Singleton
If you are looking for a reliable and authentic online trading platform for secured trades with high-end confidentiality of client’s personal information and transaction details, then you must choose JK Analytics as I did! I’d a pretty simple journey from bottom to top, starting with the Student Account investments to the VIP Account profit-making! In my experience of a decade, I’ve never experienced such quick growth in my trading career!
Review Star
User Profil Photo Cyrus Bell
I trade mostly in Forex and stocks, and this platform is much better than the other sites I had previously traded with! I mean the spreads are low and competitive, and also the access to 19000+ stocks across 36 exchanges worldwide sets the bar high for this platform! I am having a good time trading here!
Review Star
New traders can take advantage of JK-Analytics.com's auto-trading feature, which allows them to automate their trading strategies.
Review Star

Using little-known sites can come with several risks, including

The reliability of websites operating in the business and economic sector is of vital importance for users and businesses. jk-analytics.com may contain potential security vulnerabilities in this area. If the security measures of the website are inadequate, users' personal and financial information may be at risk.

First of all, financial transactions and data transfers performed on jk-analytics.com may not be sufficiently encrypted. This may cause sensitive information to be exposed to unauthorized access. Additionally, weak user verification processes on the site can easily allow fake accounts and scammers to operate.

Malicious individuals can use security vulnerabilities to launch cyber attacks and steal user information. Such data breaches can lead to financial losses and reputational damage for both individuals and businesses. Therefore, users of jk-analytics.com are expected to be extra cautious when navigating the platform and remain alert for any suspicious activity.

In addition, factors such as the jk-analytics.com website not making regular security updates and using outdated and vulnerable software technologies may make the site even more unsafe. These flaws create opportunities for cybercriminals and facilitate their malicious actions.

Basic precautions such as being security conscious, using strong passwords, and not clicking on untrusted links are critical to minimizing such risks. Users should also consider activating additional security measures, such as two-factor authentication, when making transactions.

In this context, jk-analytics.com's total score for security vulnerabilities is 25, which puts it in the "Untrustworthy" category. Users and businesses are advised to always be alert to such risks and consider alternative secure platforms.

Website info






[email protected]


Current: 379 days


gransy s.r.o d/b/a subreg.cz


Let's Encrypt

Server IP info




Canada 🇨🇦


Cloudflare, Inc.

Why does jk-analytics.com have an average to good trust score?

Jk-analytics.com most likely looks like a scam site, it may not be legit and safe.

JK ANALYTICS (Jk-analytics.com) project was created on 29 November ,2023. The calculation will expire on 29 November ,2025 unless the development team extends it. This website is hosted on servers located in Canada 🇨🇦 Approximately 379 days have passed since it was founded.

Our algorithm gave the review of Jk-analytics.com a relatively Low score. We have based this rating on the data we were able to collect about the site on the Internet such as the country in which the website is hosted, if an SSL certificate is used and reviews found on other websites. Our algorithm resulted in a total score of 10

The domain registration location appears to be gransy s.r.o d/b/a subreg.cz. Generally, check the domain name registrar. If you do not have a crypto purchase, you can access the registrant information through the company.

When we check the Name Server servers, we see that it uses the CloudFlare DNS system. This is also used by scammers to hide the IP address of the main server. It would be beneficial for you to be much more careful in such situations. Please do not send money or crypto anywhere without being sure.

Technical and Software Analyses of Jk-analytics.com

Code 200
Status HTTP/1.1 200 OK
server cloudflare
date Mon, 11 Mar 2024 10:19:03 GMT
content-type text/html; charset=UTF-8
connection close

NS lou.ns.cloudflare.com
NS asa.ns.cloudflare.com

TXT google-gws-recovery-domain-verification=48476567
AAAA 2606:4700:3037::ac43:a08b
AAAA 2606:4700:3032::6815:ecc
Frequently Asked Question
Is jk-analytics.com down?
When we last checked on March 11, 2024, jk-analytics.com was accessible. Being accessible does not necessarily mean that the site is open. Please check.
Is jk-analytics.com legit or scam?
This domain was registered more than 6 months ago. This website does not appear to be newly established. Our research scores were low. It is displayed as 10 Scores. You should still do your research.
When jk-analytics.com started?
Jk-analytics.com domain name is registered on November 29, 2023.
From where jk-analytics.com is operating?
The jk-analytics.com domain name was registered on November 29, 2023. We see that you registered approximately 379 days ago.

Last checks website legit

Medium Secure Website
Medium Secure Website
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Medium Secure Website
Medium Secure Website
Medium Secure Website
Medium Secure Website
Secure Website
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Medium Secure Website
Medium Secure Website
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Medium Secure Website
Medium Secure Website
Medium Secure Website
Medium Secure Website
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Medium Secure Website
Medium Secure Website
Medium Secure Website