Ixxen.com is legit or a scam, website info, reviews

Ixxen.com reviews. Is legit or a scam, can you trust ixxen.com ? Date of last check: 2024-03-18

Includes financial services, banking, insurance, investments, etc.

Ixxen.com belongs to Financial Services category.

Not popular, but an old website Visit website go

It is rare for such sites to be dangerous. Do your manual research though.

High trust rating. This site looks safe to use.

ixxen.com Reviews & Scam

Pros and cons about Ixxen.com

WHAT WE LIKE IN Ixxen.com:

This website is safe according to DNSFilter
The domain name was registered a long time ago
Security rating displays well : 51
This website is more than 6 months old
This website is over 1 year old
Social media accounts we found for the website


Social media accounts that we could not find on the website.

Consumer Complaints and Reviews about Ixxen.com

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No reviews have been left for Ixxen.com on SafeWebTalk.com

Total reviews: 12 Averate score : 5.0 stars SafeWebTalk Score: 51

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Reviews for Ixxen.com

User Profil Photo walter
estou confiante na integridade desta plataforma. A conformidade com regulamentações financeiras e padrões éticos é evidente em todas as interações e operações.
Review Star
User Profil Photo john
estou feliz em investir nesta plataforma de negociação. As ferramentas de análise técnica me ajudaram a entender melhor o mercado e tomar decisões mais informadas.
Review Star
User Profil Photo Xavier
Estou realmente impressionado com as opções de personalização. Posso ajustar a interface para se adequar exatamente às minhas preferências, o que melhora minha experiência de uso
Review Star
User Profil Photo Vanderlei
A transparência no cálculo de taxas e comissões é algo que realmente valorizo. Não há surpresas desagradáveis, permitindo-me planejar melhor meus investimentos.
Review Star
User Profil Photo Otto
Estou particularmente satisfeito com o desempenho da plataforma durante períodos de alta volatilidade do mercado. Ela se mantém estável e confiável.
Review Star
User Profil Photo Gabriel
A experiência de investimento personalizada que esta plataforma oferece é incomparável. Ela se adapta às minhas necessidades e objetivos, tornando cada decisão de investimento mais informada.
Review Star
User Profil Photo Ygor
A experiência do usuário nesta plataforma é de primeira linha. Tudo, desde a navegação até a execução de trades, é projetado pensando na conveniência do usuário.
Review Star
User Profil Photo Quirino
Estou impressionado com a estabilidade e desempenho da plataforma, mesmo durante períodos de alta volatilidade do mercado. Isso dá confiança para manter meus investimentos aqui.
Review Star
User Profil Photo Gustavo
A precisão das previsões de mercado oferecidas pela plataforma tem sido impressionante. Isso tem me ajudado a tomar decisões de investimento mais informadas e lucrativas.
Review Star
User Profil Photo Igor
Estou realmente satisfeito com a facilidade com que posso configurar alertas de preço para os ativos que me interessam. Isso me mantém sempre informado.
Review Star
User Profil Photo Antônio
A rapidez e eficiência na execução das ordens de compra e venda me impressionam. Isso é crucial em momentos de alta volatilidade do mercado.
Review Star
User Profil Photo Daniel
A qualidade do atendimento ao cliente desta plataforma é excepcional. Sempre que precisei, fui atendido prontamente, o que me fez sentir valorizado como investidor.
Review Star

It is always beneficial to use Secure Sites. Be careful though

ixxen.com users have effective security measures in place to conduct safe financial transactions. The platform uses and regularly updates the latest security software to protect users personal and financial information.

Controlling access to users accounts and using strong passwords is an effective method of protecting ixxen.com users' financial information.

Choosing reliable websites and getting information from reliable sources enables ixxen.com users to carry out their financial transactions safely.

ixxen.com performing regular security checks and providing updates increases the security of users. The platform uses various security software and protocols to protect users financial information and prevent fraud attempts.

Careful behavior and safe shopping habits of users further increase the security of ixxen.com. Adopting safe financial transaction habits and using accurate information sources is important to ensure the safety of ixxen.com users.

As a result, ixxen.com users can conduct secure financial transactions. The platform offers effective security measures to protect users financial information and prevent fraud attempts.

Website info




Ixxen - Indices, Stocks, Currencies & Commodities - Trade Online Today


[email protected]


Current: 1653 days


namesilo, llc



Server IP info



United Kingdom 🇬🇧


AWS CloudFront (GLOBAL)


Why does ixxen.com have an average to good trust score?

Ixxen.com is very likely not a scam but legit and reliable.

Ixxen - Indices, Stocks, Currencies & Commodities - Trade Online Today (Ixxen.com) project was created on 03 June ,2020. The calculation will expire on 03 June ,2025 unless the development team extends it. This website is hosted on servers located in United Kingdom 🇬🇧 Approximately 1653 days have passed since it was founded.

Our algorithm gave the review of Ixxen.com a relatively Mid score. We have based this rating on the data we were able to collect about the site on the Internet such as the country in which the website is hosted, if an SSL certificate is used and reviews found on other websites. Our algorithm resulted in a total score of 51

The domain registration location appears to be namesilo, llc. Generally, check the domain name registrar. If you do not have a crypto purchase, you can access the registrant information through the company.

When we examined the name server records, we saw that he was not using the CloudFlare DNS system. The records appear to be ns-1705.awsdns-21.co.uk ns-302.awsdns-37.com ns-737.awsdns-28.net ns-1221.awsdns-24.org

Technical and Software Analyses of Ixxen.com

Code 200
Status HTTP/1.1 200 OK
server Microsoft-IIS/8.5
date Thu, 14 Mar 2024 06:12:09 GMT
content-type text/html; charset=utf-8
connection close

NS ns-1705.awsdns-21.co.uk
NS ns-302.awsdns-37.com
NS ns-737.awsdns-28.net
NS ns-1221.awsdns-24.org

MX alt4.aspmx.l.google.com
MX alt1.aspmx.l.google.com
MX alt2.aspmx.l.google.com
MX aspmx.l.google.com
MX alt3.aspmx.l.google.com
TXT k=rsa;p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCkWiMJV+l8CelNQA8xqRRBlBkVqoBNA1zmUpcPjhrPn7BFQIq0iUQybhjP33/HDJYXHyCqVyuqckIx2FsmW2x/v40tPaq6VfRuoxWiOsb6alPC9l1bnIFn62Kz17ggHmfVRQ+/VxCFf3QSUMA34ju53c8LaE0Mjjis9v3qNT+a1wIDAQAB
TXT google-site-verification=0UHmSNo718wpdiUMRoyMOJBpXxa1By0-u-zisxfTiVM
Frequently Asked Question
Is ixxen.com down?
When we last checked on April 01, 2024, ixxen.com was accessible. Being accessible does not necessarily mean that the site is open. Please check.
Is ixxen.com legit or scam?
This domain was registered more than 6 months ago. This website does not appear to be newly established. It also received high research ratings. The site may seem legitimate, but it's still worth doing your research.
When ixxen.com started?
Ixxen.com domain name is registered on June 03, 2020.
From where ixxen.com is operating?
The ixxen.com domain name was registered on June 03, 2020. We see that you registered approximately 1653 days ago.

Last checks website legit

Medium Secure Website
Medium Secure Website
Suspicious Website
Medium Secure Website
Medium Secure Website
Medium Secure Website
Medium Secure Website
Secure Website
Suspicious Website
Medium Secure Website
Medium Secure Website
Suspicious Website
Medium Secure Website
Medium Secure Website
Medium Secure Website
Medium Secure Website
Suspicious Website
Medium Secure Website
Medium Secure Website
Medium Secure Website